Things need to be said, and I’m the one to do it so get ready…
So many people pretend to be in your corner, and they are the same ones plotting your downfall. No, this shouldn’t define a friendship but how many messages or phone calls you receive from a person per month or even per year highlights your importance to them.
It doesn’t take more than 5 seconds to ask somebody “how they are.”
They’ll argue it works both ways, so this solidifies that they are very much so aware of their lack of support for you and vice versa.
We’ve all left somebody on read and claim that “we thought we hit sent.” I call bull crap, and I have more respect for those who own that they didn’t feel like replying to the conversation!
I actually have and I do admit to not replying because life does happen! If I feel the conversation is important I’ll put it on the priority list, but if it’s not I’m sorry it goes right in the pile of…
My eyes were opened a long time ago on people, but I chose not to act due to wanting to be accepted by everyone. Some days I still struggle with this, but I’ve come to the conclusion that if you cause me more stress than happiness you don’t deserve to be apart of my life!
So many people are out here just trying to make it in the world, but they rely on others feedback for encouragement. I’ll let you know now, you’ll never go far this way because those people do not want to see you be happy! For instance, look at how many likes you get when someone passes away versus you buying a house, becoming an entrepreneur, heck starting a blog or anything positive for yourself!
The society we live in is designed to look appealing on the surface, when the reality is most hate their lives! Every social media post highlights how amazing life is, interactions are carefully thought out, and many go out of their way to continue entertaining people that they truly despise!
It makes absolutely no sense! Being your true-self is not encouraged. Being too raw and open is considered over-sharing, and don’t even get me started on how “wrong” cutting people out of your life entirely is.
There’s no handbook on how to be a “real” and “motivated” person. There’s also not a guide to walk you through all of the obstacles you face in life. Yes, the power of prayer is strong, and the Bible carry’s great word, but experience is everything!
Stop keeping people around you who are not going to contribute to your growth and success. This is nothing but a distraction, and a potential disaster waiting to happen.
You need to be okay with being ALONE in the worst of times so that you appreciate yourself when you reach those huge milestones.
If you’re not happy, do what makes you happy and don’t stop because others feel you’re “good enough.” You should be your final affirmation!
You are pleasing the wrong ones!
I’m all about growing yourself for the better, but don’t change who you are to appease someone else. If they can’t accept all of you: dorky, nerdy, smirky, plump, annoying, etc, YOU, cut your ties!!
You are not a puppet, and you’ll most likely resent that person later on anyways.
Make time for those who make time for you! If you are busy, and feel they warrant an explanation, do so.
Ultimately treat others how you TRULY wanted to be treated. Don’t accept anything less, and I guarantee you’ll begin weeding out the haters, fakes, backstabbers, nosey, close-minded, sorry SOB’s!!
Catch my drift!
YOU are worth more, and it’s time you start acting like it!
Aleisha Kay