Humility has been defined as being free from pride or arrogance. You’ve heard the phrase “humble yourself.”
What does it mean? Many go around preaching humility, but will do the total opposite. I myself am guilty of this and it’s because of the people I have surrounded myself with in the past.
Apologizing is one of the hardest things a person can do to humble themselves. I don’t know how many times I was forced to mutually apologize to someone even though I knew I wasn’t the one in the wrong. My parents taught me that it takes two to argue, and it takes two to properly apologize.
There were many days where I was secretly cursing my brothers out under my breath for starting crap with me, getting me in trouble, and then having mom and dad force me to apologize for defending myself!! However, it has definitely helped me in real life situations!
I’ve been in many situations where the other party had pushed me to the point of seeing red, but I forced myself to take a step back and apologize for not only their behavior expressed to me, but for how the situation may or may not have affected them. I’m not a spiteful person, but I do believe in karma, so I do my best to treat people how I want to be treated and know that they’ll get what’s coming to them…LOL
Apologizing doesn’t satisfy you fully. But It does allow you to maintain your character, morals, and values.
“What do you do if they don’t accept your apology or say it back?”
Absolutely nothing at all! You’ve done your part, it’s up to them to match your level of maturity or in other words take it or leave it. You walk away with your head held high, and leave the toxicity in the past!
This applies to everything! If it’s referencing a relationship once you and your partner have agreed to move forward, stop bringing back up the past! It really does take more than one party to engage in drama and chaos, but it only takes one to be humble enough to disengage and move on!
Humility should not be something that we avoid! That’s what’s wrong with society now! Nobody is ever wrong! One opinion is somehow always better than the other, and very few want to be open-minded enough to hear out one another.
Let’s normalize being more humble in situations. I’m not saying roll on your back every time a problem or disagreement arises in life, but I am challenging you to take a second to think before you speak and act.
I’m not at ALL perfect, and I’m okay with that! Be okay with being who you are, but challenge yourself to learn and grow from the struggles you face in everyday life! Add to the conversation below, and like and share!
Aleisha Kay